The Drew Steele Show

The Drew Steele Show

Chanting Tauntum, Five @ 7:35, and the Lobster Mobster Mob

June 27, 2017

Drew Steele wants to make a point without repeating himself. Chanting is a really strange way that people try to change minds. It's gone on like that since first grade really.  Plus, Drew's Five @ 7:35 5. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is not retiring. 4. Transformers: The Last Knight, has not brought in as much money as was anticipated. Michael Bay will not be a part of the series anymore.  3. The CBO report should be a giant stop sign according to Senator Chuck Schumer. It reports that 15 million people will find themselves without insurance.  2. Today marks the 20th Anniversary of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was released to bookstores.   1. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has a tiny battle with CNN's Jim Acosta. There were no follow-up questions allowed.  A passenger checked a 20-pound lobster in their bag, getting it out New England. That apparently is not illegal. Also, artist Salvador Dali is being unburied for a paternity test.