The Drew Steele Show

The Drew Steele Show

Drew's Death Fries, Y2k Rebooted, and a Raccoon Fight.

June 18, 2017

Drew Steele of KSL NewsRadio has a veritable smorgasbord of stories to get you through the weekend! President Donald Trump orders work to be stopped on prevention of the Y2k bug, 17 years later.  That is your tax dollars that are getting spent here! 1,200 man hours every year were spent on that. It's a good thing that the President and White House are looking at these things.  French fries could double your risk of death, headlines scream today. Drew Steele takes to the Newsroom and asks his many co-workers about the recent study and why scientists always go after the good food.... Producer and reporter for KSL NewsRadio, Cleon Wall has a secret recipe that involves Rollos that sounds pretty unhealthy. Afternoon Drive Host, KSL NewsRadio's Maria Shilaous argues it's because they are killing us... duh but maybe they should look into collard greens. KSL Newsradio anchor, Sandy Collins is a big fan of Ocra. She used to watch her show every day.   A raccoon in Bangor Maine decided to take a bite out a vegetarian runner, Rachel Boche decided to drown the poor sucker in a puddle. The raccoon's blood tested positive for rabies. She claims she never killed an animal before because she's a vegetarian.  Also, she's a vegetarian.