The Drew Steele Show

The Drew Steele Show

5@7:35- Convicts, Jupiter and Otto Warmbeir

June 16, 2017

KSL NewsRadio's Drew Steele Delivers a fantastic 5 audio clips that will make you laugh, cry, and go home happy.  5. Two criminals out on the lamb, who were described as "dangerous beyond belief", were captured today in Tennessee. 4. President Donald Trump sent his condolences and called for peace in the name of Steve Scalise, Senate Majority Whip.  3. The Tonight Show's host, Jimmy Fallon breaks that Jupiter is the oldest planet. Proof? Researchers received an e-mail from Jupiter on an AOL account.  2. Dan Childs is describing Otto Warmbeir as being in a vegetative state and not giving much reaction at all.    1. Nancy Pelosi tells others that Republicans are the reason for the disunity, citing the "personal destruction" that was thrown at the Clintons in the mix.  Additionally, Drew calls for Congress to notice their similarities and focus less on the differences all the time, not just when they are threatened by shooters.