The Drew Steele Show

The Drew Steele Show

North Korean's U.S. Prisoner Home at Last (Chris Stewart Int)

June 14, 2017

Drew Steele of KSL NewsRadio brings some bittersweet news to the show tonight. Virginia student, Otto Warmbier who was arrested in North Korea in January of 2016 for the theft of propaganda and sentenced to 15 years in a hard labor camp has been released and is returning home today. He is unfortunately in a coma, but he is free.  Utah Representative Chris Stewart feels like there's very little to back up a lot of the accusations that are happening in Washington concerning President Donald Trump. How does anyone get anything done with all of this stuff flying back and forth? Stewart feels like they are chasing the shiny object because they're trying to undermine President Trump's polices. It's an easy quagmire you can get stuck in if you get wrapped up in it.   The Congressman also discusses the recent arrival back on American soil of Otto Warmbier. David Sneddon, a Utahn is still missing in Asia, having gone missing in 2004. Evidence shows that he may have been captured by the North Koreans. The North Koreans know of our respect for life and use that against us. "Kim Jung-Un is a very evil man"