Dreams 2 Freedom Podcast

Dreams 2 Freedom Podcast

EP.050 Get up When You Get Knocked down

July 24, 2013
“Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice.” – Zig Ziglar
Image Courtesy of Flickr User Daniely Alves


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If you get knocked down, get back up. When it feels like your whole life is crashing in on you keep on going. Never stop, never stop believing, never stop trying.

You can do it. You are worth it. I do not say these things to just inflate your ego. I say these things because I know sometimes they help. I have suffered with major depression. I still fight anxiety, depression and social anxiety to this very day.

I do this podcast not because I’m some self-help guru. I do it because I know the struggle. I know the fight. I know the toll that it takes on you every single day. However, I also know that you can win. That you can overcome. That you are good enough, and that you are worthy.
