Dreams 2 Freedom Podcast

Dreams 2 Freedom Podcast

EP.044 The Truth Is the Truth

July 16, 2013
“The truth is the truth, even if it is not spoken in the truth” – Shannon Herod

image courtesy of Flickr user Scarygami


When it comes to personal development and “self-help” there are so many different people you can follow. Most of what they talk about is generally the same thing. There’s not much to making your self better. It is simple in theory but harder to execute.

However, people try to spin it in new and different ways so that it becomes attractive. Unfortunately, that tends to mislead people. These “self-help gurus” start making up concepts that generally aren’t the truth. The science or the logic behind what they are saying is the truth however it’s just not taught in truth.

So, when you are looking at personal development issues you need to realize that there are many different ways to improve yourself. Most of them go back to one simple place. That place is the Bible. The truth is the truth. However most people try to reframe that truth into worldly ways. Ways that make it more attractive to people that actually do not believe in God, our creator.

For instance, they will tell you to submit to the universe. You are not submitting to the universe. The universe was built as a tool to allow you to thrive on earth. And that universe was built by the creator so that you could exist in his image.

So, when you’re trying to improve yourself, the number one thing you need to realize is that you’re not doing it alone. It does take action on your part, however, you do not do it all by yourself. You have someone else to rely on and that someone else is God.

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