Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Digging a Ditch

December 27, 2019

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 973 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There's a story of a wise man who had children. Now, two of his sons were of different age, but the older son was short in stature and the younger son was taller.  So, one was older and shorter, and the second one was younger but taller.

One day, the father saw them playing outside in the yard and the older brother dug a hole, a ditch, in the garden and put his brother there and this way, he could, by standing up, be taller than his younger brother. When the father saw this, he called out to the boy, the older brother, and he asked him, "Why did you dig the hole and put your brother in it?" He answered, "Well, my brother is younger than I, and yet he's taller, so by me putting him in the hole, it gives me the opportunity to restore the equilibrium, and this way, since I am older, I am actually now taller." His father looked at him and thought about this and said to his son in a kind way, that this was good but it was not the proper way to do it. The best way to do this next time, his father said, "If you ever find yourself in a situation, instead of putting your brother in a ditch, you should climb on a mountain."

You see, in life, people need to feel tall and often, they want to be bigger than others, and the easiest way to feel tall at times, is to put everybody else down, put them into a ditch, into a hole, and if this is the case, then maybe “I am better, maybe I'm greater.” That's the psychology behind most people who belittle others, but really, that's not the way to do it.

Climb on a mountain means, as the father was telling his son, make yourself greater if you have to but don't put others down. To the contrary, if you want to rise, lift others. By you lifting them, you actually rise and there's no reason ever to put people down. There's no reason to belittle them, make them feel smaller so that you appear bigger.

So next time you're in a situation and someone else is bigger than you, either in stature or in character, or in whatever way, why not analyze the situation and make that person feel greater about themselves than they are. Help them reach that height even higher if need be. While you climb on a mountain, find that way that will get you to the top to make you better or greater, or equal, but not at the expense of the other, but at the benefit of both.

Help others, it says, get what they need, and you will have everything you want, without destroying them or hurting them, but rather by loving them or helping them. You'll benefit and so will they, and so will the whole world.

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