Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Blind to Our Thoughts

December 24, 2019

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 971 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There's an interesting concept about who we are and how we find out about the type of person we are, what our character is, and really who our core essence is all about.

Now, it has been taught that people we encounter in our lives are our own mirrors. Isn't that interesting? So, it means that if we see evil in them, in these people we encounter, we are really seeing a reflection of the evil or the negative within us. And, since we are generally blind to our own faults, the Creator of the world arranges it so that we notice them in someone else; and therefore, we're expected at this point to take the cue and recognize that we possess the same faults so that we can correct them in ourselves.

This is a phenomenal concept if you think about it because that means that every time you meet someone and you see the negative in them, it's really in you, and that's a lesson. Think about that. Now, if you think this is far-fetched, why not try it? Give it a chance.

The next person that you meet, in a way or in any opportunities, analyze them, see what you think about them, and see what you say. And let's see whether or not that truly represents you. You have to be honest and I'm sure you'll be and see what it can do.

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