Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Change Vs. Influence

December 18, 2019

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 967 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There are studies that have been published in the recent past that show that the belief that you cannot change other people is not only disempowering, it is scientifically false. Isn’t that interesting? We always thought and always heard that you can’t change other people, that whoever they are, that’s where they’re going to stay. However, what you can do is you can influence them. Influencing someone means giving them the opportunity to expand their mind to see other possibilities.

See, when our brains become full of negative information early in the morning, the lens through which we view our work and our life changes in a narrowed path. When people that you are dealing with or that you are acquainted with and you see them being in that position in what they call the stress out zone, you can influence them. You can’t change them but you can influence them. You can influence them in such a way where you show them the opportunities and focusing on the solutions rather than the problems. You can influence them and showing them all the myriads of things that can be done to make their lives better. It can be done.

There’s a saying that says “be humble of the spirit of every man”, meaning every man could become better through his fellow. It can be done. All of us have this opportunity and I suggest you use all of that to make a change in the world.

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