Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Purpose of Wealth

November 25, 2019

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 951 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

What is the purpose of accumulating money, purpose of wealth? It’s an interesting concept but let me perhaps share an idea with you. The purpose of wealth is so that we can help some conditions be treated appropriately, if the person for instance is not well. We can also help people who don’t have. We can also help build certain things: schools, hospitals, highways. We can build new things to help people. Purpose of wealth is so widely varied.

But there is another concept about the purpose of wealth; and that is so that the fruits of the labor that you have done is so that you can benefit the rest of the world. So that you have an idea of what was given to you and what you should do with it. To take this wealth, and not necessarily money, because wealth could be in your knowledge, in your talents, in your skills, in your kindness, whatever it is that you’ve been given, that’s wealth, that’s the definition of true wealth. Give it and share it with others, make others feel good, use those talents all the time. Now, you might say, “Why should I? They’re mine,” but that’s the purpose of wealth. That’s the great understanding of why you were given these things; for you to share and you to help others.

Don't ever keep it to yourselves; that’s defeating the purpose of why it was given to you.

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