Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Not Just You

November 14, 2019

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 945 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Today, I would like to share with you a concept which is monumental. You see when you do not fulfill your mission in this world, it's not just a personal loss, it's a global one. The whole world misses out. It's not just you! The whole world, everyone in this world, and everything; meaning the inanimate, the vegetation, the animal kingdom and even the human species; all creations in the world don't benefit, because you didn't fulfill your mission. Now you might ask, what is my mission? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do ?

First, you have to refine the environment to where you are by bringing light to the world, being kind, sharing, helping…

Second, everything that you do, should have a purpose and a reason. It should be done with integrity and honesty.

Third, what you should do on a daily basis, should benefit others more than benefiting you. It's not just you, it's about the world. You will be taking care of. Help others get what they need, and you'll have everything you want. Life is about making this world a better place to be, so that the world can have its ultimate mission fulfilled. It's not just you.

So remember, that when you don't fulfill your mission, or any part of your mission in the world at any given time, it's just not something that you can think of as a personal loss, it's a global concept. The whole world is missing out. That is so dramatic. This is something of cataclysmic expansion, a magnitude beyond imagination. You have within your hands the power to change not just yourself and everything around you, but the whole world. So don't miss out. Don't waste time, don't let things go by, don't consider things light and unimportant. Everything and everyone matters. Wherever you are, be all that you can be; whatever you do, do the most of what you've got. Whomever you meet, given them everything that is within your power and reach the highest levels of contentment. Be whom you were designed to be, and change the world for a better place to be for every one of us to live. Don't do it for me or you; do it because it's the right thing to do for the whole world. And if there is bad out there, don't let it come from you. Let the bad come from others. You concentrate on the good, and everything will fall in place. I want to thank you in advance for contributing to making this world a better place.

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