Doug Elfman Show

Doug Elfman Show

Doug in Brock's Backyard (@brockradke)

June 19, 2015

'I DON'T KNOW WHAT WEIRD IS, ANYMORE' SAYS Brock Radke, my buddy who is a more relaxed person than me. We're both seasoned, but not grizzled, Vegas journalists. In order: We compare families, journalism styles, interviewing techniques, and talk Jacob Dylan, Amy Schumer, "bag of dicks," Kelis, vomit tourists, Tara Reid/Real World, Encore Beach Club, Rehab, 24-hour clubbing, video game gambling, meeting Sarah McLachlan, meeting Prince, Madonna, our plan to interview people on the sidewalk, talking like an interviewer, and getting shit on by a bird. You can follow Brock at @brockradke and