Doug Elfman Show

Doug Elfman Show

Elfman And Director Tim Anderson (@TimLAnderson)

April 05, 2015

Tim Anderson directed Coolio in the Vegas movie "Two Hundred Thousand Dirty," now available on Netflix. Tim and I sat in an aisle at REI, the great outdoors store, and talked about awesome movies like Groundhog Day, directors like Stanley Kubric, actors like Tom Cruise, and we have a disagreement about who's better, Bill Murray or Chevy Chase. (His film is at, @200kDirty, 

1. (1 minute in): If you are going to Rollerblade, carry a stick. 

2. (7:30): Do most people even care about their jobs?

3. (10:00): This guy made a movie.

4. (13:30): Vegas is a strip mall, Mike Judge, and REI has cool chairs

5. (18:30): The DMV is next to the Adult Superstore 

6. (21:00): Jennifer Anniston and casting to type 

7. (25:00): Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, and Stanley Kubric 

8. (33:30): Lolita was the original Millennial 

9. (39:30): Babe, film class, American Beauty, suspending disbelief 

10. (44:30): Christopher Nolan, Interstellar, and that dream within a dream movie whatever it was called 

11. (49:00): Gross Pointe Blank, Dan Akyrod, Lion in Winter, The Third Man, Groundhog Day

12. (55:00): John Hughes, the Breakfast Club, Molly Ringwald 

13. (61:00): Trains, Planes and Automobiles 

14. (63:30): Chevy Chase, Caddyshack, Fletch, and Chevy Chase vs Bill Murray 

15. (69:00): Lost in Translation, Bill Murray sleeps with that singer as a control burn so he won't sleep with Scarlett Johanson 

16. (75:30): Donnie Darko was the It's a Wonderful Life for its generation (and a dude buys a chair at REI thanks to us) 

17. (78:30): City Lights, Charlie Chaplin, Treasure of the Sierra Madre 

18. (83:00): The Third Man, the zither music, and watching movies on small screens is like death? How dramatic. 

19. (90:00): Wikipedia-ing the ends of movies, About Schmidt, and the blow up scene in Gross Pointe Blank

20. (93:30): Using porn on a smart watch would be a funny sight gag 

21. (100): Greatest Wisdom