Collected Layers

Collected Layers

S2E15 | Searching for the 3rd Person

February 18, 2018

April 2018 Update: Chris Hallowell, a guest on season 1 joined Doming Out as our Community Manager! Check out his episode here.

Passion, perseverance, friendship - that's what we run on. But we also know our limits, and knew eventually we'd need a 3rd to help us grow John Kelly's legacy, to share the stories behind mental health, behind the walls of stigma. Yes, we consider John Kelly the 4th and yes we get tremendous help from Blair Savistsky, Chakshu Tandon, Paul Tessitore, Jay Varney, Toni Banta, Eric Beer, Andrew Varney, Paul Conte and countless others, but the 3rd person is something different. It's the glue of the community, the leader of the pack, the infallible backbone. They could run the day-to-day with a hand tied behind their back and make everyone in the room feel better about it. This is the official start of the search for that 3rd person. Naturally, we cut an episode explaining who we are inside, and more importantly outside, this cramped, hoop-d homemade studio in Brooklyn.