Dole Whips & Dark Rides

Dole Whips & Dark Rides

56 Robbins Trip Countdown Disneyland Hotels and Interstate 5

November 19, 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen, It's The Dole Whips & Dark Rides Show. It's time to talk about Disneyland, It's time to plug-in the mics, it's time to meet Jason and Aaron on the Dole Whips & Dark Ride show tonight.

It's time to talk about the Robbins impending trip. It's time to discuss Disneyland hotels. It's time to refresh the RSS feed on the Dole Whips & Dark Rides show tonight.

Old Man 1: Why do we listen to this show?
Old Man 2: I guess we'll never know.
Old Man 1: Do they even talk about Disneyland?
Old Man 2: It sounds like they hardly go.

But now its getting started. Why don't you get this podcast started? Its time to get this podcast started. On the most sensantional, dole-whip-ational, dark-ride-ational, Churro-ational...This is what we call The Dole Whips & Dark Rides show!