Doers Shakers Makers

Doers Shakers Makers

Do You Have A Scarcity Mindset?

May 04, 2020

Do you feel that there is never enough of something? Perhaps it’s time, money, energy, opportunity, even love? Or that it’s impossible to attain something? Perhaps you feel that life keeps happening to you?

These thoughts may be due to having a scarcity mindset and having this mindset with your business, could be holding you back from achieving, or even having goals.

In this weeks episode, we talk about what it looks like in business to have a scarcity mindset vs an abundance mindset and twelve things you can do to move towards abundance with your mindset and your business.

Here is what’s answered in this episode:

* What is a scarcity mindset?* What is an abundance mindset?* Can it ever be good to have a scarcity mentality?* 16 examples of scarcity vs abundance in business. * 12 ways to move from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.

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The Doers Shakers Makers podcast is hosted and produced by me, business educator and talented, tiny business expert, Sierra Bailey. Did this episode inspire you? Send me an email and let me know how!