Doctrine Matters Podcast

Doctrine Matters Podcast

Revival or Not: A Different Take

February 16, 2023

Most of you have heard about what is happening at Asbury University. Claims of a revival have taken social media by storm. People from all over the United States of America have gone to this “revival” and reported back what they have found. There have been many local pastors, and well known false teachers visit Asbury University, folks like Greg Locke and Todd Bentley.

There is a lot of controversy right now on social media as to whether or not this is a move of God or not. Some people think it is, others don’t think so, and still others are not rushing to judge this thing either way. Regardless of whether or not this is real, one thing is certain, it is dividing the body of Christ.

On this episode I lay out some thoughts about what I’m seeing play out on social media regarding this event, and offer some practical ways we can work through this together as adults, and not as immature children.

Please feel free to leave a comment. Let’s talk.

#revival #asbury #asburyrevival