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Dungeon Talk: Episode 11- We’re Back!
January 12, 2013

Hey all, so here is our first dungeon talk for 2013.  We took a break for a couple months for Michael to have a surgery, which he discusses.  We really talk a lot about what happened in our game this week which was the first game Michael has run in a co

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 6; Where Things Get Crazy
January 09, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 6 of our Made Men DnDNext Play test game. This is our first session after our initial all-day Saturday game. To recap, the PC's were told by Gradon that if they hunted down and killed the 4 NPC's (the Players previous PC's) who

The Campaigns. Made Men: Episode 5 – Full Circle
December 26, 2012

Hello All, Here is Episode 5 of Made Men. Full Circle. This is the last 50 minutes or so of our initial Saturday, All-day, gaming session which was originally supposed to be a one-shot DnDNext Play test. As we've already discussed, the game was a hit, so

The Campaigns: Made Men – Episode 4 – Where things go wrong
December 15, 2012

Hello All, Here is Episode 4 of our D&D Next Playtest campaign. This was an interesting episode to go back and listen too and edit.  By this point we had been playing for several hours and despite the fact that we were having a lot of fun with the game,

The Campaigns. Made Men: Episode 3 – Finding Stannis
November 23, 2012

Hello All, So, apparently Evan and I messed up. The podcast posted as episode 2 was actually episode 3. I've changed the posting title, but the recording is the same. If you are interested in episode 2 you can find posted as Dungeon Talk: Episode 8.1 The

Dungeon Talk: Episode 10 – Is this thing on?
November 21, 2012

Hello All, Here is Dungeon Talk: Episode 10.  The title comes from the fact that we started twice before we were actually recording (once for about 45 minutes . . .) and then on take 3 we started laughing at ourselves and had to start over again. We had

Dungeon Talk Episode 9.1 – Nights at the Round Table
November 07, 2012

Here is the second half of Dungeon Talk Episode 9. Enjoy!

Dungeon Talk Episode 9.0- Nights at the Round Table
November 07, 2012

Tonights podcast is just a little different.  We played our usual weekly game, and when it was over at around 10 pm, we decided to stay at Michael's house and record an episode of Dungeon Talk.  Niko and Jared were able to stick around and join us which

The Campaigns: Made Men – Episode 1 – The Beginning
November 03, 2012

Hello All, Here is the inaugural episode of our new The Campaigns series of podcasts. These are actual play sessions of our current D&D Next Games.   In this episode we meet the main characters (all except Wang, who is Jared's character and did not come

Dungeon Talk: Episode 8.2 – DnD Next Playtest discussion pt 2
October 16, 2012

Hello all, Here is the back half of the recap/discussion we had after our DnD Next Playtest.     Thanks!! Michael - AKA Mumbles
