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The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 12: The Old Stone Fort has risen
March 23, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 12 of our Made Men DnDnext actual play podcast.   Had a return of a few technical glitches this episode. Lots of background noise and pops and clicks. Also, in two different places there are side conversations going on that mud

Dungeon Talk: Episode 14 - Here come the Segments
March 22, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 14 of Dugeon Talk.  Evan and I are still experimenting with the format and in this Episode we tried out a more formalized format with specialized segments. We liked it a lot. Hope you do too. Segments: 1. Tabletopics – Setti

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 11: Escape from Mairhaposa
March 09, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 11 of our DnDNext actual play podcast. I recorded a live intro for this one so no text one here. (I would love some feedback if you prefer live one or text one . . .)   Not much technical or spoiler-y things in this episode.  

Dungeon Talk : Bonus Episode 1
March 02, 2013

Hello all,   During a recent recording Evan and I found ourselves on about a 15 minute tangent. We decided to start over, but thought it might be funny to hear how easily we drifted off the tracks. So here's a short outtake. Hope you enjoy.   Thanks!! Â

Dungeon Talk: Episode 13 - A change of pace
March 02, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 13 of Dungeon Talk. In this Episode Evan and I touch on or discuss the following topics.  This is the general order that we go in, but we do jump back and forth a bit as well. 1.  Wanting to change up and play a non-fantasy RP

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 10: Violent Circumcision
February 25, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 10 of our Made Men Actual Play Podcast.  One more time: sorry about Episode 9. In this Episode we pick up right after Grexil has returned to the group after his secret meeting with The Silent Sisters.  The majority of the epis

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 9: “Well, this sucks.”
February 22, 2013

Hello all, Well here isn't Episode 9. This is just me explaining what you would be hearing in Episode 9 if I hadn't somehow lost it. After the session that we lost, we recorded a long Dungeon Talk which was posted as episode 9.0 and 9.1. If you go back an

Dungeon Talk: Episode 12 - Conversations through the Veil of Space
February 15, 2013

Hello all, Here is our newest Dungeon Talk Episode. In this one we have a special guest. Rob, one of my very good friends from my old gaming group in Cleveland joins us. We had set up a SKYPE session but it didn't work out well so we ended up just putting

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 8: The Silent Sisters
February 07, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 8 of our Made Men DnDNext Play test game. In the last episode most of the time was spent bringing the party together. Eventually everyone met up at Yomi's apartment.  The fact that Yomi had a Rex addiction was already b...

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 7: “I think Yomi is Dead”
January 29, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 7 of our Made Men DnDNext Play test game. In the last Episode the original group of PC's (Zaine, Grexil and Yomi) met up with Jared's new PC (Wang).  In this session the group manages to stay apart just as long as possible. Wan
