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Savage Worlds Play Test, Actual Play Podcast: Episode 1 - I Give Him Candy
September 18, 2013

Hello All, Here is the first Episode of our Savage Worlds game system Play Test. We played in a Generic Fantasy game similar to D&D settings.  I swear, the more I play Savage Worlds, the more I like it. Right now i'm really getting into FATE, 13th Age an

Dungeon Talk Episode 24 pt2: FATE FTW
September 14, 2013

Here is part two of our discussion.  We cover a mailbag question about DM's and players working together to create environments. Enjoy! As always, thanks for listening and comments/feedback are welcomeThanks!! Evan E-mail us at Podcast@dndacademy Follow

Dungeon Talk Episode 24 pt1: FATE FTW
September 14, 2013

What's up guys, in this weeks Dungeon Talk Michael, Niko, and myself sat down with character sheets from DnD Next, 13th Age, and FATE.  We created characters in each one just to see the differences and then played around with them in a few combats.  It

Dungeon Talk Episode 21 - The End of An Error
September 07, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 21 of  Dungeon Talk; our General advice/discussion podcast.  This is a very special episode (no, not like an ABC after school Special episode) in that we have the entire group and we do a Post Mortem on The Campaigns: Made Men

Dungeon Talk: Episode 23- A long wind goodnight- pt3
August 29, 2013

In part 3 we start with what our next game is going to be.  Michael put a pole on the website and 13th age was the clear winner in votes for what we should play next. We finish with a discussion about an idea Michael has for our current game involving a

Dungeon Talk: Episode 23- A long wind goodnight- pt2
August 29, 2013

Ok, so part two begins with a mail bag question about how to get a player more involved with the game when he's sitting back and only gets excited to participate during combat.  We've discussed things close to this before but this question comes to us fr

Dungeon Talk: Episode 23- A long wind goodnight- pt1.
August 29, 2013

Hello all, so last week we did not have a game do to scheduling conflicts so myself, Michael, and Niko sat down to record, and boy did we ever.  We got pretty long winded and ended up with a 2 1/2 hr Dungeon Talk.  I'll put in time stamps so you can go

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 27: This is the End . . . Or is it?
August 24, 2013

Hello all, Well, this is it.  The end of our first Actual Play Podcast Campaign.  Can't say that it's the ending I expected, but all in all I think it's a good one. We pick up this episode right were we left off last time; finishing up the Demon Horde b

Dungeon Talk: Episode 22 - The egg timer will spite you!
August 14, 2013

Hey guys, Dungeon Talk 22 is here!  Did  you think we were done? Well it's been a while since we recorded a dungeon talk.  Our schedules have been pretty full but here we are and hopefully we can get back to a regular posting of dungeon talks.  Michae

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 26: The Beginning of the End
August 11, 2013

Hello all, Here is Episode 26 of our DnDNext Actual Play podcast.  Yet again, I have to say we lost a session. I apparently did a save as wrong and lost it. The good news is that I have since bought an external HD and will be saving original recordings t
