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Latest Episodes

The Campaigns: FAE Episode 1 - Paper, Rock, Wizard!
November 16, 2013

Hello and Welcome to the Campaigns. These are the Actual Play Podcasts from DnD Academy. This Play test is a bit different than the other ones so far, in that this one wasn't really planed. if you've been listening to our Dungeon Talk Podcasts you would k

Dungeon Talk: Episode 28 - Primeval Thule Intervule
November 10, 2013

Hello Everyone, Very excited to bring you this extra-special episode. We had the privilege of sitting down (well, on Google Hangouts) with Richard Baker and Stephen Schubert of Sasquatch Game Studio and talk about their recently Kickstarted product Primev

The Campaigns: 13th Age Episode 2: “That’s My Hammer!”
November 01, 2013

Hello and welcome to the Campaigns. These are the Actual Play Podcasts from DnD Academy.   In this Episode we continue the adventures of Noverie and SC37 as they make their way toward GreenStand to assault the mob of Goblins massing there. Something seem

Dungeon Talk: Episode 27- I wanna be a writer
October 26, 2013

Hello everyone, Here is this weeks Dungeon Talk.  First let me start by saying we screwed up the intro and said the wrong number.  This on the heels of a website meeting where we discussed how to make the podcasts better.  We spend the first 20 min tal

The Campaigns: 13th Age Episode 1: What Happens When I Get to Zero?
October 19, 2013

Hello and welcome to the Campaigns. These are the Actual Play Podcasts from DnD Academy.   This is our first episode of our 13th Age Play Test.  James and Niko play Noverie and SC37, respectfully.  We ran the introductory module Blood & Lightning from

Dungeon Talk: Episode 26 - Hear Ye, Hear Ye
October 12, 2013

Hello. In Dungeon talk 26 start out with an issue that came up from our most recent game. Dealing with distracted players. The way I started the last game contributed to the lack of engagement from the Players early on. I was able to finish the game stron

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 24.2 : Sorry! Wrong King.
October 09, 2013

Hello all, Here is the second of 2 extra-length BONUS Made Men episodes.  This is from a session that we thought we had lost the recordings of.  We had already decided to move on before we found this recording so these will be inserted in to the correct

Savage Worlds Play Test, Actual Play Podcast: Episode 2 - That was in Character . . .
October 05, 2013

Hello All, Here is the second Episode of our Savage Worlds Play Test. We pick up right where we left off, which a bunch of Ghouls surrounding us: As you can see, our small band of hero's suddenly found ourselves confronting a horde of Ghouls.  A perfect

The Campaigns: Made Men - Episode 24.1: Friendly Fire
October 02, 2013

Hello all, Here is the first of 2 extra-length BONUS episodes.  This is from a session that we thought we had lost the recordings of.  We had already decided to move on before we found this recording so these will be inserted in to the correct space by

Dungeon Talk Episode 25: HEEEEEEYYYYYY what’s up!
September 29, 2013

Hello, In Dungeon talk 25 we start out by talking about FATE (again).  We drafted some characters and then ran through a little scenario that was meant to lead to some kind of encounter.  We talk about FATE for quite a while so if you're looking for DND