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Dungeon Talk - Episode 36: Combat, the Angry way! Pt 1.

February 07, 2014

Hello and welcome to Dungeon Talk, the General Advice and Discussion podcast from DnD Academy. I am Michael and this is Dungeon Talk Episode 36: Combat, the Angry way! Pt 1.

This is the first of a two part episode where Caleb and I discuss combat with (in)famous TheAngryDM.  I’ve bookended this longer combat discussion with some shorter topics Caleb and I had covered separately so in this episode you get Caleb and I talking about the ROLE of combat in a D&D game and then the first half (combat A-M) of our EPIC nuts and bolts combat discussion.

Part 2 (combat N-Z ) will be out next week.

If you don’t already, you should be following the AngryDM on twitter and please check out his blog where many of the topics we discuss on this podcast Angry has written about (at length).

href="http://angrydm.com" target="_blank">AngryDM.Com

Thanks for listening. As always, comments and feedback are welcome.




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