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The Campaigns: A New World - Episode 4: Investigating the Holds

January 25, 2014

Hello and welcome to the campaigns, the Actual Play Podcasts from DnD Academy.


This is A New World: Episode 4:  Investigating the Holds


In our last episode, the PC’s used some creative uses of spells and a fortuitous tidal wave to get their scuttled ship into ground.  However, this is not the world they left.  They have set up camp at the edge of the great sea and a vast primeval forest made up of trees 600 feet tall.  The small beach they are on ground is the footprint of a beast larger than anything they could have imagined.

In this Episode the PC’s continue to investigate the fire in the holds, bringing in a an expert and finding their first suspect.


Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy.


Comments and Feedback are always welcome.




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