The DKSpeaks Internet Marketing and Blogging Podcast

The DKSpeaks Internet Marketing and Blogging Podcast

DKSP EP:31 – 14 Things to Keep in Mind When Selecting a WordPress Theme for Your Blog

January 15, 2016

What about your theme do you like the most?
If you answer was “look and feel”, then let me tell you that about 95% of the blog owners are with you. They also chose the theme for that exact same reason.
But is that the only thing that you should look for in a theme?
Today, WordPress is the most used content management platform. In addition to the fact that WordPress is an open source, this popularity can also be attributed to many other reasons like the flexibility of the platform, the options to enhance it using one of the many plugins, the availability of thousands of themes to customize the look and feel of the website etc.
But the fact is that all of these options and features comes with a caveat – the fact that anybody can break into the code and hack a website in minutes. This answers the question on why there are so many regular updates that we see to this platform.
Now imagine you have a WordPress installation that is up to date, but you are running a theme that has an outdated code which can easily be hacked into. It will not take more than a few seconds for a hacker to hack into your website and all you hard work can be gone in minutes.
[social_quote duplicate=”yes” align=”default”]There are many more aspects to consider, than just the “look and feel” in a theme when you are selecting a WordPress theme for your blog.[/social_quote]
Selecting a WordPress Theme – What to look for?
In this episode, we will be discussing some of the basic things that you need to keep in mind when you are selecting a WordPress theme.
Keep in mind that themes are more than just designs or, frontend for your website. In fact a lot of other things depend upon the theme of your website. The loading speed of your site, the functionalities, the aesthetics etc.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]A theme that is not updated is the single biggest reason for so many WordPress Blogs getting hacked every day[/social_quote]
We will discuss about 14 such aspects that you need to look for in the minute prints that accompany with a WordPress theme. Some of the things that we will be discussing are –

* How does a theme impact the site load speed?
* What is the one thing that you absolutely need, when you buy a theme?
* Why I don’t recommend the themes that are sold on a “SALE” at warrior forum?
* Why you shouldn’t be spending all the dollars on hiring a developer to design a theme?

The points that we discussed today should help you decide on a theme for your WordPress blog.
Resources discussed in this Episode
Here are some of the resources that we discussed in the episode today.

* Thrive themes – Our most recommended theme
* Genesis from Studiopress – This is a framework and you will need a skin for this one
* Thesis themes – This is also a framework and you will need a skin for this one
* Profit Builder theme – This is more of a sales page and landing page builder but also comes with a blog theme