The DKSpeaks Internet Marketing and Blogging Podcast

The DKSpeaks Internet Marketing and Blogging Podcast

DKSP EP:44 – The 10 Essential Tools for an Effective Content Curation Strategy

January 20, 2017

Hello and welcome to episode 44 of the DKSpeaks Podcast.
Have you read some of the best weekly roundup on some of the top blogs around the web. Problogger does one for blogging and you will find many other blogs like Social Media Examiner doing the same thing. Have you ever wondered why would a blog as successful as Problogger would curate content.
There is a lot of noise on the internet and abundance of information suppressed in all this noise. For an average visitor on the internet, finding information that is relevant is going to be a lot of hard work, considering the amount of noise that he will have to browse through before he reaches the information that he is searching for.
If such a visitor comes to your blog and finds a collection of all relevant and best content on your blog, would he be disappointed and click away from your blog.
He wouldn’t.
Rather, he would be happy about the fact that he doesn’t have to dig through the loads of pile to find what he is looking for.
Tools for an Effective Content Curation Strategy
Content Curation is a nice addition to your content marketing strategy. And if done well, it can not only increase your audience retention but also reduce bounce rate.
I am a fan of Content Curation and I simply love its sheer power in holding a reader in his spot.
You would have seen my weekly link roundups. This is just one form of content curation. There are various other forms of curation which we will be discussing in the coming weeks.
In case you are interested in learning more about content curation and how you could make money with a curated blog, you can check out my course at Blog Curation Blueprint. (PS: Blog Curation Blueprint Version 2.0 is in the works and should be launched shortly. All members would be upgraded to V2.0 by default)
Content curation is a win-win for both the content marketer and the reader, because the content marketer gets ready made content and the reader gets a collection of the best content at one place, that way saving him a lot of time he would otherwise have spent trying to find that information.
The success of content curation lies in an effective commentary. We will be discussing about these points in the next few episodes.
In this episode we will be discussing about the tools for an effective content curation strategy. Here is what we have covered in this episode –

* How to improve the effectiveness of content curation
* Why is content curation an effective content marketing strategy
* The essential tools for an effective content curation strategy

Resources mentioned in this episode
Here are the resource we mentioned in this episode –

* Blog Curation Blueprint
* Feedly
* Content Gems
* Rightrelevance
* Workflowy