diy2thrive Podcast: Homesteading, Organic Gardening, Foraging wild foods and herbs, Self-reliance, a

diy2thrive Podcast: Homesteading, Organic Gardening, Foraging wild foods and herbs, Self-reliance, a

Episode 18- Organic Gardening Principles Part 2: The Science of Composting

December 01, 2014

This podcast is Part 2 of our Organic Gardening Principles series and is an overview of the science behind composting as well as basic methodologies and best practices.
Composting is a very simple practice but is irreplaceable in any organic gardening effort.  There is no better way to create good healthy soil which will provide you productive garden plants and highly nutritious foods.
To be an effective gardener you must compost, to compost effectively it is important to understand the science of the organic processes which are involved in composting.  We provide you the tools to understand the composting process and to be more effective at it, and we provide practical guidelines for you to use in employing various composting methods.
Even if you are an experienced gardener and composter, we believe that you will find this podcast and this entire series of value in your practice.