Divine Prosperity

Divine Prosperity

Latest Episodes

Keeping Your Child On The Right Path
July 13, 2015

Today we are talking about helping your child get back on their financial feet. How to set boundaries, defining expectations, & setting limits.

Budget Sabotage
July 10, 2015

Today we are talking about budgeting . Some of the ways we sabotage our efforts to budget, and how we can maintain a budget through many of the changes that occur throughout our life.

How to Change Your Life
July 09, 2015

Are you completely happy with where you are in life? Have you ever felt like if you could just make a change, you could achieve so much more? People that enjoy life and seem to go far in life do so because of steps that they take that others don't.

Building a Profitable Business
July 07, 2015

Today we're talking how to build a successful and profitable business. There are steps that many people miss when starting a business and often get it out of order. When you get the order right, you can grow a profitable business much more quickly.

July 06, 2015

Tonight we are talking about How addiction affects us, our family and all the goodies that go along with that.

Fears and Business
July 02, 2015

Tonight we are talking about Fears and Business. If you want to be a successful in business, what fears do you have to deal with.

Spider Monkey Monday
June 01, 2015

Tonight we are talking about a wide range of different things..from FASFA,  Tax Laws, to Sayings people think come from the Bible, but do not.

You Reap What You Sow
May 29, 2015

Tonight we will be talking about valuable lessons for us to learn about reaping what we sow

4 Truths about Greed
May 26, 2015

Tonight we are talking about dealing head on with the root of the problem of greed. And discussing in detail the four truths about greed that everybody should know.

Current Events
May 25, 2015

Tonight we will be talking about Current Events going on in the World this week