Disruption! Solar Energy

Disruption! Solar Energy

Disruption: Solar Energy - Episode 17 - Paula Mints

January 14, 2014

This is episode 17 of Disruption: Solar Energy brought to you by SecondSilicon.

Today on the podcast I speak with Paula Mints. We discuss her new company, SPV Market Research, trends in the solar industry, and we get her reaction to the 60 Minutes piece, the Cleantech Crash.

Some useful links relating to this episode are:

PaulaMSPV - paulamspv.com

SPV Market Research - spvmarketresearch.com

The (so called) Cleantech Crash - cbsnews.com

Search “Disruption!” to find the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher Radio. Please subscribe, thumbs up, and share. Thank you for listening!