Disaster Podcast featuring Dr. Joe Holley

Disaster Podcast featuring Dr. Joe Holley

COVID-19 Update #9 with Dr. Joe Holley

May 13, 2020

Disaster Podcast hosts Jamie Davis and Sam Bradley touch base again with Dr. Joe Holley for our ninth bonus update on the COVID-19 outbreak. Our understanding of the way this virus impacts our patients is still evolving. Watch for more of these updates a one or two times a week on top of our normal episode rotation as Joe has more information to share with us.
Here are the key points Joe covered on this call:
COVID-19 STEMI Presentation:

* STEMI symptoms may be first sign of COVID disease in some patients.
* Seems to be related to inflammatory response in coronary arteries mimicking thrombotic STEMI and heart disease.
* EMS and Health Care pros should assume STEMI presentation may be COVID positive and take precautions.

COVID-19 Testing:

* New testing avenues coming out for COVID disease.
* However, many still show 7-10% false negative results.
* Asymptomatic individuals may have significantly higher viral loads than previously suspected.

Masks for Public vs. Masks for Health Care Personnel

* Masks for public use may be moderately effective for passing exposure in limited contact settings.
* Health care pros who become ill with COVID seems to be related to prolonged exposure to high viral loads.
* Therefore, ONLY N-95 or higher protection masks should be considered effective protection for health care professionals.

Question on Reusing Disposable Masks (cleaning)

* Question for Dr. Joe on cleaning N-95 masks between uses/shifts.
* Don’t use soap and water for disposable masks.
* Instead – place in oven on low temperature (170-200 degrees F or at least 77 degrees Celcius) for a period of thirty minutes.
* Include a separate pan of water to create a humid environment to assist in penetration of moist heat into fibers of mask.

More Updates Soon
Stay tuned for more updates periodically in the coming weeks as Joe reaches out amidst his duties and busy schedule to share his viewpoint on the response with us as he is able.
Join the Discussion

Join the discussion after the show with co-hosts Sam Bradley and Jamie Davis, the Podmedic in our Disaster Podcast Facebook Group now!

Paragon Brings “The Experience”

Paragon Medical Education Group specializes in bringing what they call “The Experience” to jurisdictions around the country. They bring together police, fire, EMS, and hospital teams to train together and learn what to expect from each diverse group in the response team so that each knows what to expect from the other and how to back the other groups up. Visit Paragon’s site at ParagonMedicalGroup.com for more information on how this can be brought into your system.