Dine, Wine, and Spirits

Dine, Wine, and Spirits


September 30, 2022

Tim McNally has been a member of the WGSO broadcast family since 2001 . Tim is a frequent contributor to many regional publications and websites, and makes many guest appearances promoting New Orleans dining and drinking as well as relating tales of the history of our hometown. Tim is a noted author and his recent book, The Sazerac, has been published by LSU Press.

Tim’s show on WGSO is The Dine, Wine, and Spirits Show, broadcast every weekday, 4-5 p.m. The program features news of the Hospitality Industry as well as hosts guests from the local, national and international scenes telling the story of current events and histories from the world of fine cuisine and adult beverages.

Today, Tim gives us quick lesson on growing grapes in California, and how the trellis system might be changing, along with the weather, sunlight, and other factors that go into growing beautiful grapes for wine.

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