

176 No Power Apocalypse - Could You Make It A Year?

February 21, 2020

What would happen if the entire world lost all electricity for a full year? What sort of chaos would ensue? After sharing some fun news stories in The Ramen, Adam and Usually Dave tackle this crazy, what if scenario. It’s not all fun and games and they may even have a few good tips for you in the event it happened!
The Ramen:
Stranger Things Season 4 gets its first teaser trailer
The Batman’s Batsuit may indicate a very dark Batman
Halo on an iPhone? Only if you are a chosen one.
Barcodes as instruments?
digitalSoup Recommendations:
Adam: Mixer Streamer Spartakus
Usually Dave: Influencers In The Wild OR Jelle’s Marble RunsToast Song from Bob and Tom Show
Main Topic:  
Picture it. A world without power for one full year. Could you make it? Would the world survive?
Main topic links referenced:
BBC Article “What would happen in an apocalyptic blackout”
Owlcation Article “Could We Survive a Long-Term Power Outage” 
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What the guys are doing outside the podcast:
Adam - Yesterday's Sci-fi - Email Adam
Dave - Adventures in Creativity - Email Dave