Digital Production BuZZ (AAC)

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC)

Digital Production BuZZ - November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014

Join Larry Jordan and co-host Michael Horton as they talk with:

Jonathan Handel, Entertainment/Technology Attorney & Labor Reporter, TroyGould and The Hollywood Reporter

Neil Patrick Harris recently declared that his upcoming variety show, produced by ITV, will be “crafted by union writers.†But in the ongoing labor negotiations, what does this mean? Jonathan Handel, entertainment labor reporter for “The Hollywood Reporter†joins us this week to explain.

Josh Apter, Founder & President, Manhattan Edit Workshop

The viral video of Princess Leia silently walking through Manhattan, in costume, exploded on YouTube. Josh Apter, president of the Manhattan Edit Workshop, joins us to explain.

Philip Hodgetts, President, Intelligent Assistance

Metadata is essential to every creative project and few are getting trained in how to use it to tame massive, numerous media files. Philip Hodgetts, president of Intelligent Assistance, joins us to explain what we need to know.

The Buzz is all the information you need now to know what’s coming next!