Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Visualize The Dreams You Want to Manifest into Reality | Nabeel Alamgir (Lunchbox Technologies) | DH085

March 05, 2021

When Lunchbox Technologies CEO Nabeel Alamgir wants something to happen, he visualizes it.
Before Lunchbox became a multi-million-dollar valued restaurant tech startup, Nabeel worked his way up the rungs of the hospitality ladder. To accomplish his dreams, he manifests his reality with visualizations to see each step.

"I'm a visual thinker, a visual person," said the Lunchbox cofounder and chief executive officer on the Digital Hospitality podcast in his 2021 interview.
Visualizing a goal — whether it's having the Lunchbox logo on a prominent building in the Manhattan skyline (above) or being featured on a magazine cover (below) — helps Nabeel understand the steps in between dream and reality.

It also helps the inspiring leader explain his vision to his team. Visuals are key for some people to get what you're trying to say, just like storytelling is important for understanding information.

"I will go ahead and create a cover with the title with the screens of the brand we want to sign," Nabeel said on Digital Hospitality about creating a Nation's Restaurant News magazine cover featuring Bojangles to help visualize a goal. "And I shared it with my team because I believe if you don't share your goals, how will my entire team know how to score?"
"I feel like CEOs will often have something in their head and they won't share it with their entire team. I think that's so wrong because if we all know where the goalpost is, we're going to score."
Nabeel is certain that the NRN magazine Bojangles cover he dreamed up will come true.
"In three months it will happen because we're working really hard on it. In fact, I had my team go out to North Carolina, shoot videos and footage with Bojangles and with our app, and we've just sent it over to them. So we're going to win that deal."
"And I will be very, very upset if we don't, because we work really hard. We go above and beyond for every single thing we do: our logo, our design, our branding, our customer service, our storytelling, everything really, really matters. And when you practice so much, you know how the game will play out."

That's confidence right there. A confidence that has led to dream after dream being realized for Nabeel.

"That's why we try to be transparent with our goals as well, even the short term goals."

What is Lunchbox?
The Lunchbox company is built by restaurateur for restaurants. It's clear that knowing the hospitality industry inside and out has inspired Nabeel and his cofounders Andrew Boryk, Hadi Rashid, and Mohammad Afzal to create a company that seems to truly care about the well-being of restaurant owners.


Lunchbox provides a collection powerful digital ordering as well as marketing services and growth hacking solutions for restaurants. The technology company transforms brick and mortar restaurants into digital restaurants built for the technological now — and prepares them to adapt into the future.

Lunchbox has received lots of positive attention for its mission to help transform the digital operati...
