Digital Noise

Digital Noise

Latest Episodes

Screener Squad: The Strings
December 07, 2021

THE STRINGS MOVIE REVIEW Catherine (Tegan Johnston) has put her life on pause to hole up in seaside cottage in the dead of the Canadian winter to pour out her pain, frustration, and disillusionment in

Digital Noise Episode 290: Aaron is a Yokai Monster
November 26, 2021

DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 290: AARON IS A YOKAI MONSTER Aaron returns to the show and he and Chris deal with a LOT of superhero stuff, weird Japanese spirit/monsters in the 60’s and what Miike did with th

Digital Noise Episode 289: Who Wants The Hobbit?
November 19, 2021

DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 289: WHO WANTS THE HOBBIT? Chris and Wright tremble before the mighty stack of home releases to discuss this week. Some good. Some great. Some OMG great. Some meh. You know, the

Digital Noise Episode 288: Universal Monsters vs the Droogs
October 27, 2021

DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 288: UNIVERSAL MONSTERS VS THE DROOGS John and Chris take on a mighty, towering stack of home releases with a huge mix of stuff and a lot of 4k re-releases, including one of the

Digital Noise Episode 287: Sundown: The Wright in Retreat
October 15, 2021

DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 287: THE WRIGHT IN RETREAT Oh my, so many home releases to talk about, and Chris & Wright are the men for the job. This week we look at a completely ridiculous vampire western ho

Digital Noise Episode 286: Overboard with 4ks
September 08, 2021

DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 286: OVERBOARD WITH 4KS John and Chris have a mixed bag of classics, both under and over rated this week as we look at two early Argento films upgraded to 4k, a Japanese art-hous

Digital Noise Episode 285: Criticmen: The Long August
August 25, 2021

DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 285: CRITICMEN: THE LONG AUGUST Wright and Chris examine some home releases and find some hidden gems like a shocker of a 70s Canadian siege film, a delightfully quietly simmerin

Digital Noise Episode 284: How We Got Dead and Buried Beyond the Fog
August 11, 2021

DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 284: HOW WE GOT DEAD AND BURIED BEYOND THE FOG Chris and Aaron have an episode cut out for them with a 80’s underseen horror classic updated to 4k, lots of new Kaiju stuff, a fil

Digital Noise Episode 283: Ten Minutes to His Dark Quiet Commando
August 06, 2021

DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 283: TEN MINUTES TO HIS DARK QUIET COMMANDO John and Chris discuss the wackiness of Italian Rambo rip-offs, examine two 80s horror films that always got more credit than they des

Digital Noise Episode 282: Not my Wright, your Wright!
July 29, 2021

DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 282: NOT MY WRIGHT, YOUR WRIGHT! Introducing our new co-host, Wright (new to Digital Noise listeners, anyway). He fits right in as he in Chris go down the rabbit hole of some ser