Digital Download with Paul Sutton

Digital Download with Paul Sutton

How to Use UGC to Build Trust & Affinity

September 16, 2020

Brilliant user generated content is seen by some marketers as the holy grail. UGC can create greater engagement, build trust and affinity, and provide endorsement for other marketing activities. Above all, 60% of consumers think that user generated content is the most influential form of content in purchasing decisions.
However, generating brilliant UGC is not an easy task, and many brands come unstuck when it comes to what to ask and from whom. There is a perception that UGC is often poor quality and a terrible time suck.
This episode of the Digital Download podcast explores the benefits and power of UGC, and specifically user generated video, why it is so influential, and how to go about creating a strategy built around crowdsourced content.
My special guest on this show is the founder of video crowdsourcing platform Seenit, Emily Forbes. Emily worked in feature film and documentary film making prior to launching Seenit in 2014.
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