Digital Diamonds: Personal Branding | YouTube | Mindset

Digital Diamonds: Personal Branding | YouTube | Mindset

Ep. 94 - No one is listening to you? What it’s actually like to build a real community online

April 17, 2019

A serious mindset shift needs to happen. Because the truth is: people simply don’t want to put in the work that is necessary to build true influence and impact online and offline. They don’t want to be patient, they don’t want to feel uncomfortable or even embarrassed. They want the validation of a big follower number because that makes them look “credible”. So they buy bots and Facebook page like campaigns.
But you know what it’s actually like to build a real community online?
To speak to no one for weeks and months and years at first.
To put in so much energy and not getting an immediate return.
To feel the pressure to come up with new content every day.
To nourish an audience and fulfil their expectation.
Viral sensations are not building true influence. Only passion, patience, endurance and the right mindset do. Keep showing up darling, because the world needs you to create an impact.

Thank you so much for your support!

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