Digital Diamonds: Personal Branding | YouTube | Mindset

Digital Diamonds: Personal Branding | YouTube | Mindset

Ep. 92 - One thing every successful entrepreneur does: Rising above the need for validation and waiting for permission

April 03, 2019

Every entrepreneur who started a successful business did not wait for anyone else to give them permission, they gave the permission slip to themselves. They did not start because they wanted validation or approval, they started because they were so fired up about it and they got over their own limiting beliefs. Praise and approval from others should never be a reason or a requirement to take action. If anything, it should be a result of passionate, driven, loving work. With our educational system, we are taught to strive for the next certificate, the higher grade and the best assessment. But if you really want to start something for yourself, you cannot wait for that - because you'll never feel truly ready. You cannot wait for others to open doors for you, you must open them for yourself. And if you find something that truly lights you up, your passion will be so strong that you cannot hold yourself back any longer from standing in your way. So rise above the need for approval and a permission slip, cause you already have what it takes. ♡

Just another little motivational ramble by yours truly! 

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