The Diginauts

The Diginauts

Diginauts 0015 — How Space Affects Your Body, Fukushima Radiation, Net Neutrality in Danger Again

February 08, 2017

* segment 1, Top of Mind — Twins! In! Spaaaaaaace! (0:00):  NASA sent one twin into space, and kept the other on Earth.  We’ll talk about what they learned from the brothers’ DNA.
* segment 2, If You Had To Choose — Recent Governmental Maneuvers (8:00): Trump’s FCC chair signals lack of interest in net neutrality.  A federal magistrate rules that Google must turn over foreign emails to the FBI.  And Congress rolls back environmental protection laws
* segment 3, Hope For Humanity — Swearing & Honesty (32:39):A University of Cambridge suggests those who use curse words tend to be more honest.
* segment 4,  Let’s Dig Some More (36:52):  Fukushima radiation has spiked dangerously, an alleged arsonist was trapped by his pacemaker data, and a Chinese factory has successfully replaced 90% of its human workers with robots.

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