The Diginauts

The Diginauts

Diginauts 0009 — VR to Prevent Insanity after Head Transplant, Privacy with Snap Spectacles and Spying Earbuds, Updates on YOUTHvGOV

November 23, 2016

* segment 1, Top of Mind — Human Head Transplant (0:00): A doctor claims to be prepared to transplant a human head.  He’s preparing the patient via virtually reality simulations.
* segment 2, Future File —  ATMs Collect a City’s DNA  (16;40):  NYU scientists think you get a snapshot of human populations and environments by gathering microbes at ATMs.
* segment 3, If You Had To Choose — Privacy Incursions (24:13): Which of these stories bothers you more, as a potential threat to your privacy?

* SnapChat Spectacles are here.
* Every device can spy on you, including your earbuds.
* A Chinese phone manufacture left a back door on 120,000 phones sold in the U.S.

* segment 4, Dig Some More — Facebook & #YouthVGov (37:01): We’ve talked about fake news possibly impacting the election.  We discuss the history of sharing via social media.  Now a study shows that students fail to recognize whether a news source is legit.  Mark Zuckerberg has begun to admit that Facebook might have been a part of fake news, and the company is considering their role.  Plus, a representative from Our Children’s Trust tweeted us with further information about the lawsuit in which children around the country sued the U.S. government to end global climate change.

Give us a call and leave a voice message at 323.686.8255, or tweet @efader or @digitalderon.