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149: r/worldpolitics, r/anime_titties, and Masnick's Impossibility Theorem
June 13, 2020

The great r/worldpolitics - r/anime_titties switcheroo of 2020 says a lot about the current state of moderation across all digital platforms by way of a philosophical idea called Masnick's Impossibility Theorem.

149: r/worldpolitics, r/anime_titties, and Masnick's Impossibility Theorem
June 12, 2020

The great r/worldpolitics - r/anime_titties switcheroo of 2020 says a lot about the current state of moderation across all digital platforms by way of a philosophical idea called Masnick's Impossibility Theorem.

148: DYR Announcement
April 30, 2020

We've decided to take a little Covid break to re-organize some DYR ideas, and more importantly, take care of our mental health. We'll be back soon, but if you want to talk to us in the meantime, hit us up at https://www.instagram.com/didyoureddit/ or hi@d

147: r/covidcookery, a lengthy conversation about rat kings, and our very own adult baby-sitter.
April 21, 2020

On this episode of the DYR Quarantine news network, we take a slight turn from our traditionally apocalyptic Covid content to discuss r/covidcookery, a community of new chefs making the best of the apocalypse by way of the kitchen. Plus, rat kings and adu

146: r/collapsesupport, The Great Governor Cuomo Pierced Nipple Mystery, and Twitch Tech Support
April 14, 2020

In the fourth week of quarantine, DYR discusses a follow up to r/collapse; r/collapsesupport, a resource for all those who find the failure of our modern world too much to deal with. Here, you'll find resources for like-minded doomers trying to dig themse

145: r/collapse, Zoom video conferencing 101, and the big d*** meme man
March 30, 2020

In week two of our respective quarantines, we decide to dig into one of the most existentially troubling subreddits, r/collapse. However, for every dark thing we discuss, it's offset by the fact that we're not video chatting using Zoom, and changing our b

144: The Coronavirus Episode ft. r/coronavirus, r/covid19, r/covid19positive, and r/coronavirusArmy
March 25, 2020

Like everyone right now, we're recording this episode from our Covid-proof bunkers, reflecting on our bizarre and changing society. Thankfully Reddit has no shortage of resources for understanding the new Covid reality, and what it might mean for each of

143: r/teenagers with teen foreign correspondents u/aristotle14 and u/iamsidb, and obviously coronavirus
March 14, 2020

This week, we finally talk to some teens about r/teenagers. In a week completely rattled at its core by a global pandemic, we talk about high school angst. This episode brought to you by bathroom graffiti. 

142: r/themonkeyspaw, Crows Vs. Eagles, and of course the Coronavirus because what else is there to talk about
March 06, 2020

This week DYR dives into the shallow end of r/themonkeyspaw, a creative writing sub based on the famous short story by W.W. Jacobs about being critically bad at making thoughtful wishes. Plus, the great Crows vs. Eagles debate of 2020, and DYR needs the i

141: r/antijokes, u/itsyerdad's guts, and Karma Farming Tricks Revealed!
February 28, 2020

Following last week's episode about r/jokes, DYR discusses its creepy dadaist uncle r/antijokes, where the joke is always on you for reading the joke in the first place. Plus Karma Farming, Weinstein, and the metric system is explained through tomato harv