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159: r/changemyview Part II : An in-depth discussion about the semantics of 'White Trash' in America (seriously)

October 18, 2020

As promised, on this episode we follow up part 1 of r/changemyview with a more thorough understanding of the sub by way of one of the community's rising stars - u/itsyerdad. Since part 1, dad posted a CMV that became quite a lightning rod for the community, so in this episode, we discuss what we learned from the discussion, what we find powerful about the community because of the discussion, and ultimately the topic itself, CMV: The term "White Trash" is under-discussed for how truly offensive and derogatory it truly is in woke/class-aware culture. (https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/ja0k6r/cmv_the_term_white_trash_is_underdiscussed_for/)
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