Physics Powered Healing

Physics Powered Healing

Boost your immunity step 10 – Release your negative emotions to empower you.

August 14, 2020

How to release your “negative” emotions to empower you and your immune system.  Get your guided healing audio to do that here:

Ever noticed that when you go into a room full of happy people, you start feeling happy?  How about if you go into a room of people arguing?  Don’t you start to get irritated?  

It’s kind of like mob mentality, people pick up on the emotions the others are feeling.  With today’s issues, first starting with the fear and anxiety of the pandemic, a lot of people declared that they were feeling anxious too. 

These emotions run hot but are low energy and really bring your energy down.

Human emotions can be divided in four basic categories.  Everything else is a nuance or mixture of the four,  much as all colors we perceive are mixtures of three basic colors plus lightness/darkness.  These four basic emotions are fear, happiness, sadness, and anger.  I find them easy to remember as mad, sad, glad, and fear.  

Nuances of fear emotions are anxiety, dread, worry, insecurity, terror, and nervousness, of anger emotions: bitterness, guilt, hatred, resentment, and jealousy, and of sad emotions: grief, discouragement, sorrow, sadness, depression, heartache, and feeling forlorn.  This is by no means and exhaustive list.

On any one day, we have a range of emotions.  We were made to have them, the negative emotions serve as protection and impetus for change.  Any time you experience emotional pain, you’ll seek to move out of it. 

How we pick up each other’s emotions:

Each emotion has its own frequency so to speak.  Just like two tuning forks attuned to the same frequency, when one is rung, the other will vibrate in resonance.  That’s what a mob does, they start vibrating together.  A party makes a happy mob, while a protest is angry.

As soon as you change the emotions that vibrate in your body, you alter who is around you and even your fate.  You will attract people similar to you.  You will repel those that don’t want to deal with your emotions because basically, you wear them, no matter if you feel positively or negatively.  You would think that positive people would attract everyone, but they don’t.  Haven’t you ever heard the term “Pollyana” behavior as if it were derogatory or wrong?  

All low vibrating emotions hurt us if they stay in your long term.   

You could ask, “why do we have those negative emotions if they’re harmful to us?”  The dark emotions such as fear, anger, and sorrow do bring our energies down because they consume us.  They are actually meant to protect us and propel us to change.  In reality, you feel them temporarily and are not part of your basic makeup.  They do not reflect who you are, only who you are being at the moment. 

How you store or trap emotions in your body.

No one wants to be feeling the low energy emotions.  Some of us tend to bury them somewhere so we can move forward without acknowledging them.  We stuff them somewhere in our bodies to avoid feeling the discomfort.  Fear is to help us survive in dangerous situations.  Anger for us to realize when our boundaries have been crossed.  And sorrow to slow us down to accept a loss.   

Most of us do not take the time to recuperate, to process them, and go back to nature and self-care.  We try to keep going, keep functioning, and keep doing what we’ve always done.  

It happens like this: When you first encounter something, your first reaction is an emotion, then the thoughts follow.  You start thinking of the reasons you’ve had that emotion and its intensity,