

Episode 74 – My New A1C / Another Raw Talk / Serious Thoughts

July 21, 2013

Just wanted to talk about my new A1C. Also in this video I talked about why I think diabetes is so heavy in the church. Thirdly, I wanted to ask my supporters who work in the medical community a favor, which I hope at least most will honor. Lastly, I make no mistake, I 100 percent recognize that obisity is a problem, but like I said, it's not just a matter of food, and we can't assume that everyone who is fat, is with diabetes, is because we are all eating ourselves to death. You cannot ignore the genetic factor as though it does not exist, or unimportant. In addition to the fact that, you don't hear about all the fat people who don't get diabetes, and the THIN people who get type 2. I's not about fat alone.