Dave & Gunnar Show

Dave & Gunnar Show

Episode 141: Download This Podcast Or We Shoot This CloudPet

April 25, 2017

Two million recordings of families imperiled by cloud-connected toys' crappy MongoDB
CloudPets' woes worsen: Webpages can turn kids' stuffed toys into creepy audio bugs

Exploit code has been open sourced here

Speaking of remote control… Watch: The first pro football team where fans called the plays. Here's what happened.
Satan enters roll-your-own ransomware game
Ransomware for Dummies: Anyone Can Do It
Dave got published 4x

How agencies can take a page out of industry's open playbooks
How to get up and running with sweet Orange Pi
Internet-enable your microcontroller projects for under $6 with ESP8266
Book review: Up to no good with 'Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents'

Faking TV Remote Control with Paper and a Lighter

Cutting Room Floor

KISS is selling air guitar strings!
45 minutes of Paul Stanley’s stage banter
This Gallery Of Vintage Clowns Proves They’ve Always Been Scary (see all 3 pages!)