Chariot Developer News

Chariot Developer News

DevNews #57 - Wherein we decide that PCs are dead, Java VMs still scream, and we want Keynote for Android

August 26, 2013

We know Keynote for Android will never happen, but keep listening until you hear about Ken's encounter with a keyboarded, and moused, Android tablet in a remote assignment somewhere in Amish country...

Quick sponsor note - registrations are now available for the 2013 Chariot Data IO event. It's only $80 for an all-day conference focusing on large data sets, new APIs, and making information out of those bits and bytes. Register today!

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Note - the DevNews, as always, represents the opinions of Ken and Joel, and not any official stance or line of Chariot Solutions. Now, let's go code that statement in one line of Perl!