Developer Tea

Developer Tea

Latest Episodes

How to Give Better Feedback - My Single Biggest Piece of Advice to Increase the Effectiveness of Your Feedback
May 05, 2023

Good feedback isn't about getting something off of your chest. It's not about sharing your feelings (though that doesn't mean your feelings aren't important). It's about finding a problem that you and

Planning is About Creating Clarity, Not Certainty
April 28, 2023

Planning will give you the illusion of certainty. What you really need to execute on your plans is clarity. The reality is that the future is impossible to predict, and the further away from now that

Process is Primarily for Managing Critical Moments
April 20, 2023

You may hate hearing the word "process." You aren't alone if you do. But, what feels like a slog today is really in place for when the most critical things happen in your career. Have a process, even

Taking Advantage of Hedonic Adaptation
April 11, 2023

The psychological phenomenon of hedonic adaptation can seem like the enemy of your happiness, but once you understand how it works, you can use it to create lasting habit change and focus on what matt

Weber's Law and Contextual Framing
April 03, 2023

Today we look at a mental model from the field of psychophysics called Weber's Law. This concept is a great analogy for a lot of problems we face as engineers and people leaders, and can help us under

What Defines a Senior Developer? - You Won't Use All of Your Knowledge
March 31, 2023

A senior developer understands that they have to be very selective about how they apply knowledge. Know matter how vast your knowledge may be, you are limited in how you can practically use it in a gi

The Pitfall of Control and Antidote of Trust
March 20, 2023

Your intuition says that control is the ladder you climb to improve your career. But most great leaders tend to do one thing: the opposite of increasing control.

Working Balance - Confronting Reality with Optimism
March 17, 2023

In today's episode we explore the duality between confronting difficult realities while maintaining optimism. Specifically, we discuss a critical question: what does it mean to be optimistic?

What Defines a Senior Developer? - Choosing the Right Granularity Level
March 09, 2023

The traits that define a senior engineer are not catalogued perfectly in one spot. But, nevertheless, we'll try to cover some of the most important traits and habits of a senior engineer.In today's

What Defines a Senior Developer? - Difficult Does Not Equate To Valuable
March 04, 2023

The traits that define a senior engineer are not catalogued perfectly in one spot. But, nevertheless, we'll try to cover some of the most important traits and habits of a senior engineer.In this epi