Hugh Whalan l Destination Entrepreneurs

Hugh Whalan l Destination Entrepreneurs

Latest Episodes

DE 008: The rockstar who lost everything and is making it back as a destination entrepreneur
June 16, 2014

Sometimes, success does not equal happiness. In this episode we explore what happens when the career and life you always thought you wanted, is something you realize is not for you. Edmund Lowman's story of being a guitarist in a wildly successful rock

DE 007: Funding your dream business overseas using other people’s money
June 01, 2014

A perceived barrier to entry for aspiring destination entrepreneurs is money. This podcast, featuring Jodi Wu of Global Cycle Solutions in Tanzania, is focused on ways you can get other people to pay for the costs of pursuing your dream business overseas

DE 006: Using an unusual passion to fund a meaningful life
May 18, 2014

Bradley has built a brand name for himself as ‘the guy’ who helps governments figure out bike sharing programs in developing countries and has mastered the art of using a consulting business to pay for his life abroad. He currently lives in Laos, doi

DE 005: Buying a business in a developing country, and living to tell the tale
May 04, 2014

In need of big changes in her life, Bonnie decided to move to Costa Rica and buy a small bar– undeterred by the fact she didn’t speak Spanish, had never run a business and had never lived abroad!

DE 004: From backpacker to media mogul: how a 26 year old with only £3500 started and sold a newspaper in Argentina
April 19, 2014

At the tender age of 26, with only £3500 in her pocket, Kristie managed to start a newspaper in Argentina ... and have it acquired less than 3 years later by an Argentine media conglomerate.

DE 003: High-fashion bags and the ultimate low-risk approach to starting a business in Kenya
April 05, 2014

Pursuing destination entrepreneurship can sometimes seem expensive and risky... but what if there was a bulletproof way to test your business idea while receiving a guaranteed weekly paycheck?

DE 002: The safari business, setting up your own private island and dealing with African governments
April 05, 2014

Ever wondered what it would be like to run with elephants, to manage a safari company, or set up a private island? Malcolm Ryen can tell you all about it...

DE 001: Setting up a kite surfing and bikini empire in the Caribbean
April 03, 2014

For this episode I spoke with Bianca Forzano, an Italian living in the Dominican Republic who loved kite surfing so much that she figured out how to start two businesses around it. She now loves her life, spends a lot of time on the beach, and is buddies