Life of a Lifer

Life of a Lifer

Life of a Lifer - Dave Dahl

March 11, 2020

Taylor talks to Dave Dahl, the founder of Dave’s Killer Bread. They discuss the healing properties of art. Dave Dahl is an avid art collector. Art helped change his life, just like Taylor is trying to with his business Designed Conviction.

Dave gave served 15 years in prison, when he was released he started working in his family’s bakery again. He introduced a new recipe for organic non-GMO bread, it became an instant hit at the Portland Farmers Market and Dave became quickly successful. He has given back to his past by hiring formerly incarcerated individuals to work in the factory, giving them a chance. It says on the website that:

“These individuals demonstrate the commitment, the passion and the power to learn and grow, becoming some of the company’s most valued and trusted workers, filling positions from entry-level jobs to management positions responsible for hundreds of employees and critical bakery operations.”

Taylor and Dave go on to discuss more background of Dave’s story, his music and his view on Life Sentences without parole. He will also be a speaker at our event on April 17th in Longview, WA at the Columbia Theatre. For more information and to buy tickets check out,

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