Life of a Lifer

Life of a Lifer

Life of a Lifer - Shallah

January 19, 2020

Taylor interviews Sha, a man who spent nearly a quarter of a century behind bars who is now out and is being successful by creating a clothing line called P.R.N.V.U.
This man was up for parole 13 times before he was released, fortunately they have parole in the state of Virginia, unlike many states such as Washington where parole isn't even an option.
He hasn't forgotten about the people he left behind, he is another example of many who are making great strides after being incarcerated showing the world that people deserve another chance at life. He is setting an example not only through his clothing line but through speaking out for those incarcerated who can’t speak for themselves.

Join us on January 19th on Martin Luther King Day in Olympia Wa, while we light a candle for the 1300 sentenced to die throughout the state of Washington, and we support all the lifers out there across the world.

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