Better Conversations on Money and MarriageDerek and Carrie

Better Conversations on Money and MarriageDerek and Carrie

Latest Episodes

Help Each Other Win - 047
January 13, 2015

Helping your spouse win should be a top priority. Carrie and I are a team in our marriage. We support each other in many ways. Just as much as I want to be successful in life, I want Carrie to be successful also. We help each other win with our words

January 06, 2015

More powerful than a brainstorm? A BRAIN HURRICANE! Sometimes when a challenge or a problem pops up in my life I just stand there and stare at it, as if that's going to help. For some unknown reason (laziness perhaps) I can't shift into fix-it mode. So

Should do, Could do, Did do… (With my Money) 45
December 30, 2014

There is plenty of advice out there for what you 'should' do with your money. But personal finance is just that, personal. So, how can someone else tell you what you should do with your money? In a way, we all come up with our own 'should do' based on

Help Each Other Help Each Other 044
December 19, 2014

It's not enough just to notice, you need to tell your spouse you appreciate the things they take care of. Giving and receiving recognition breathes life into a relationship. It's nice to be recognized and feel appreciated. Appreciating even small things

Without Bound (Documentary) Perspectives on Mobile Living 043
December 16, 2014

There are people who like money, and people who like things. Carrie and I watched a documentary called Without Bound – Perspectives on Mobile Living (Click the link or watch the doc below) The doc included interviews with a few people who live on the

Speak Your Goals Into The Universe 042
December 12, 2014

Sharing your goals publicly can be there very reason you are successful. Carrie and I discuss four reasons why sharing your goals with others can help you achieve them. Accountability - People can ask you how its going and even offer help. It feels go

The Goal of a Goal 041
December 09, 2014

Setting goals for your family is important. What are your goals for 2015? You can only occupy your thoughts and focus your actions on the things that are right in front of you. So what you put in front of you is all that matters really. That's why I bel

Fighting About Buying Christmas Gifts 040
December 05, 2014

Different family backgrounds and traditions can clash when brought into a new marriage. Carrie values gift giving and receiving. I do not!!!! ;) I could literally go years without buying a gift for anyone, including myself. I don't want more stuff in my

Life Plan Goal Thingy 039
December 02, 2014

We have goals for our life together. We have plans in place that allows us to move in the direction of our goals. Recently we took a huge step in the right direction. It was both exciting and terrifying to take that step. For years we have been using o

Back to the Basics of Monthly Budgeting 038
November 26, 2014

Our monthly budget changed our life, literally. Our marriage is stronger in many ways because we manage our money together as a couple. Check out this list, in bullet point format, that explains a few of the reasons we we think budgeting kick ass...